Interior Paints

Interior Paints

interior home

The fashion of decorating walls and interior paint responds to a strong need today to accommodate the privacy to personal parameters, less mediated by the rush and routine of daily duties. People we care increasingly handmade, original designs for parts not produced in series. The Rise of DIY, of traditional crafts such as furniture restoration or creation of home accessories, is a symptom of this new situation.

The paintings are decorative interior is these other aspects of this new spirit. Paint the walls of the home is something that can make anyone you like manual labor and willing to devote some of their free time to decoratively enhance the ambience of your home.

Just a bit of interest and artistic sense

The first part of this site is dedicated to reviewing the basic materials needed to start working and the most common techniques and procedures. The reader will also find interesting guidance on the use of color, both in the technical aspect of the mixtures, and from the aesthetic point of view, with suggestions and tips on how to match colors for each room.

In the second section are performed a total of fourteen projects specially designed for you. These projects can be done with conventional materials and paints, all water based, so that you can not find it difficult to prepare and apply the color. They are quick projects that do not require long waiting periods or complicated working and can adapt to the vast majority of modern homes.

Luxury Home Design Ideas

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#Interior #Paints

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